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The pillars of the "SHIFT" flagship

Based on three pillars (B, C and D), it demonstrates how digital transformation can be implemented in hospitals.

Pillar B "Seamless Patient Path" aims to enable seamless, "liquid" treatment and increase the quality of care using new technologies.

Pillar C "Patient & Staff Empowerment" examines how intelligent solutions must be designed to increase staff competence and at the same time empower patients in their decision-making processes.

Pillar D "Management of Hospital Systems" relates to the individual processes of the Smart Hospital and identifies new ways in which clinical and support processes can be made more effective and efficient.

Overarching Pillar A is the foundation of Flagship SHIFT, the "Tech Foundation and Knowledge Integration", which is organized through the Central Flagship Management.

Pillar A: Tech Foundation & Knowledge Integration

Pillar A deals with two important enablers for the project. On the one hand, in A.1 with the provision of a technical and secure data and integration middleware to connect the application (sub)projects with the hospital IT in a uniform and seamless way. On the other hand, with A.2, this pillar provides an organizational and knowledge-based way to centrally network and access the results and findings.

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The "Pillar A" projects

A.1: Tech-Foundation

The Tech-Foundation provides the technical basis for the application projects of the Flagship project. It ensures end-to-end data availability, data security and interoperability.

Pillar B: Seamless Patient Path (SPP)

Pillar B explores new possibilities for individualized treatment that allows for the shortest and most comfortable hospital stay possible, while keeping complication risks and thus treatment costs low. The technological focus here is on mobile sensors, also known as wearables. Wearables can supplement the selective recording of vital signs by trained staff that is common today, and enable new treatment procedures, which we are investigating in three subprojects.

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The "Pillar B" projects

B.1: Wearable-based continuous patient monitoring

A deterioration in health is often signalled by changes in individual vital signs. The earlier this is recognised, the earlier it is possible to react and potentially prevent an unfavourable course.

B.2: Hospital in Motion - Prevention of complications through activity monitoring in hospital

Lack of exercise in hospitalised patients is a widespread problem that often causes complications and impairs recovery. Inactivity is associated with a loss of balance control, an increase in blood pressure and pulse rate, a reduction in FEV1 (the…

B.3: Hospital @ Home - smooth transition of patients from hospital to home through the use of…

The transition from hospitalisation to home care is a critical phase in the treatment process. Hospitalisation can be prolonged after the end of acute therapy until there is sufficient certainty that the transfer back to the home environment will be…

Pillar C: Patient & amp; Staff Empowerment (PSE)

Pillar C enhances efficiency, personalization and high-value med-tech solutions that will shape the hospital of the future. The sub-projects in this pillar provide technological solutions aimed at equipping hospital staff with tools that enable them to provide more personalized care to patients, use expensive medical systems more efficiently, and actively participate in the development of their own software systems.

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The "Pillar C" projects

C.1: Improved self-management with virtual reality companions

The heart of RealCo is a Conversational Agent (CA) visualized by a humanoid avatar. The avatar combines verbal, paraverbal and non-verbal communication to provide counseling sessions for people with diseases such as chronic kidney disease or diabetes…

C.2: Reduction of idle times of MRI systems in radiology departments through the use of AI-based…

When patients do not turn up for their appointments, this causes problems for everyone involved. The patient misses a treatment, the hospital loses time and wastes resources, and for other patients treatment is unnecessarily delayed.

C.3: Artificial intelligence-based software factory for MedTech applications

Software development in and for hospitals is increasingly challenged by growing requirements and complexity, increasing networking, shorter cycles and multi-layered security requirements.

Pillar D: Management of Hospital Systems (MHS)

Pillar D deals with aspects of the ideal organizational design of a hospital in a digital world. Hospitals are highly complex networked systems that must be intelligently controlled and managed. Accordingly, new forms of management and technological solutions are sought that reduce the growing complexity and meet the multi-layered needs of patients and employees.

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The "Pillar D" projects

D.1: Intelligent management of networked hospitals - a digital simulation game

As hospitals become increasingly specialised in medicine, the complexity and fragmentation of individual disciplines also increases. At the same time, this circumstance encourages thinking and acting within a predetermined framework and in bound…

D.2: Innovation with impact: evidence-based innovation

Around 90% of innovation projects fail. With evidence-based innovation, we want to identify the most promising projects earlier and systematically lead them to success.

D.3: Demand-orientated flexible personnel capacity management in hospitals

Needs-based personnel budgeting and planning is one of the keys to reducing the shortage of healthcare professionals in hospitals. When staff resources are scarce, they must be budgeted and shifts staffed in such a way that they enable medical care…

D.4: Method kit for quantifying the process potential of digital health tools

Although digital health applications promise great gains in effectiveness and efficiency for the healthcare system, measurable proof is often difficult due to a lack of data. heyPatient also faces this challenge.

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