Seamless Patient Path (SPP)
Pillar B - Seamless Patient Path (SPP).
- explores new possibilities for individualized treatment that allow the shortest and most comfortable hospital stay possible without compromising on the quality and safety of treatment. With this approach, complication risks and thus treatment costs can be kept low at the same time. The technological focus here is on mobile sensors, also known as wearables. Wearables can supplement the point-by-point recording of vital signs by trained personnel that is common today and enable new treatment procedures, which we are investigating in three subprojects: In B.1 (Weareable-based Continuous Patient Monitoring), we develop and validate a wearables-based system for continuous monitoring of patients. In B.2 (Hospital in Motion) we measure the activity of patients with wearables with the aim of improving early mobilization and thus the recovery process of patients. In B.3 (Hospital @ Home), we focus on making the time immediately after a hospital stay better and safer. The distribution of tasks between hospital and home aftercare is being rethought.